Clinical Teaching in Nursing

White, Ruth

Clinical Teaching in Nursing - London : Chapman & Hall, 1991

Clinical teaching; Foundations of clinical teaching and learning; Learning in the laboratory; The briefing - preparing students for clinical practice; Learning through clinical practice; Debriefing - reflecting on practice; From student to nurse

This book aims to assist clinical teachers in the practice of clinical teaching. It assumes that clinical teachers will bring to their task a background knowledge of educational principles, experience in a clinical nursing field, knowledge of substantive nursing content, a love of teaching and a desire to share with their students the joys, tears, challenge and wonder of learning in the clinical setting. The format is designed around a set of commonly encountered problems and encourages readers, whether on the threshold of a career as a clinical teacher or those who are experienced, to think through their responses to the problem situation before reading on to a disclosure of possible courses of action.

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