A leadership journey in healthcare: Virginia Mason's story
Kenny, C
A leadership journey in healthcare: Virginia Mason's story - Boca Raton, FL CRC Press 2015
This book is an inside look at process improvement from a world leader in lean methods for healthcare. Chapters cover: to be the quality leader and transform health care; strategic plan - the power of alignment; new management method, new ways to lead; respect for people: essential to the Virginia Mason production system; we are a leadership team, not a compilation of leaders; identifying talent, developing leaders'; a very different kind of board; Virginia mason's essential elements -optimism, humility, teamwork, courage, transparency, alignment, learning organization, accountability, urgency.
1482299682 9781482299687
A leadership journey in healthcare: Virginia Mason's story - Boca Raton, FL CRC Press 2015
This book is an inside look at process improvement from a world leader in lean methods for healthcare. Chapters cover: to be the quality leader and transform health care; strategic plan - the power of alignment; new management method, new ways to lead; respect for people: essential to the Virginia Mason production system; we are a leadership team, not a compilation of leaders; identifying talent, developing leaders'; a very different kind of board; Virginia mason's essential elements -optimism, humility, teamwork, courage, transparency, alignment, learning organization, accountability, urgency.
1482299682 9781482299687