Leadership and management for all doctors
Leadership and management for all doctors
- Manchester General Medical Council 2012
Monograph 40 p.
<abbr class="unapi-id" title="koha:biblionumber:102554"><span class="results_summary"><span class="label"></span>This guidance sets out the wider management and leadership responsibilities of doctors in the workplace, including: responsibilities relating to employment issues; teaching and training; planning, using and managing resources; raising and acting on concerns, and; helping to develop and improve services.</span></abbr>
HF 660 GMC
Monograph 40 p.
<abbr class="unapi-id" title="koha:biblionumber:102554"><span class="results_summary"><span class="label"></span>This guidance sets out the wider management and leadership responsibilities of doctors in the workplace, including: responsibilities relating to employment issues; teaching and training; planning, using and managing resources; raising and acting on concerns, and; helping to develop and improve services.</span></abbr>
HF 660 GMC