The magic of dialogue: transforming conflict into cooperation.
Yankelovich, Daniel
The magic of dialogue: transforming conflict into cooperation. - London Nicholas Brealey Publishing 1999 - 236; bibl.; BookFind
Part I The will to do it - why dialogue is necessary: overcoming the dialogue deficit. Part II The skills to do it - strategies for dialogue: what makes dialogue unique?; the billion dollar dialogue; introducing dialogue into routine meetings; transforming casual encounters through dialogue; planned dialogue; the long and short of it; ten potholes of the mind. Part III The broader uses of dialogue: cultural fault lines; proxy dialogue; the blind spot and other resistances; dialogue as a path to public judgement; from expert knowledge to wisdom; the struggle for the soul of America.
Hardback This text asserts that leaders need to argue less and ""dialogue"" more, and defines dialogue as a form of communication that can explore complex problems from all perspectives, overcoming mistrust and misunderstanding. Fifteen strategies are then presented for conducting successful dialogue.
The magic of dialogue: transforming conflict into cooperation. - London Nicholas Brealey Publishing 1999 - 236; bibl.; BookFind
Part I The will to do it - why dialogue is necessary: overcoming the dialogue deficit. Part II The skills to do it - strategies for dialogue: what makes dialogue unique?; the billion dollar dialogue; introducing dialogue into routine meetings; transforming casual encounters through dialogue; planned dialogue; the long and short of it; ten potholes of the mind. Part III The broader uses of dialogue: cultural fault lines; proxy dialogue; the blind spot and other resistances; dialogue as a path to public judgement; from expert knowledge to wisdom; the struggle for the soul of America.
Hardback This text asserts that leaders need to argue less and ""dialogue"" more, and defines dialogue as a form of communication that can explore complex problems from all perspectives, overcoming mistrust and misunderstanding. Fifteen strategies are then presented for conducting successful dialogue.