Leiomyomas : risk factors, clinical manifestations and treatment options

Leiomyomas : risk factors, clinical manifestations and treatment options [E-Book] - 1 online resource : color illustrations. - Obstetrics and gynecology advances . - Obstetrics and gynecology advances. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Chapter 1: High Prevalence of Uterine Fibroids in Women of Color; Abstract; Introduction; Prevalence and Incidence of Leiomyoma in African American Women; Etiologies of Higher Fibroid Prevalence; in African Americans; Obesity and Environmental Factors; Conclusion; Future Directions; References -- Chapter 2: Somatic Stem Cells in Leiomyoma Formation. AbstractIntroduction; SSCs and Their Niche; Role of SSCs in Tissue Repair and Regeneration; Tumor Initiating Cells with Stem/Progenitor Cell Features; Myometrial Stem/ Progenitor Cells; Source of Human Myometrial Stem/Progenitor Cells; Human Myometrial Side Population [SP] Cells; Leiomyoma Stem/Progenitor Cells; Human Leiomyoma Side Population [SP] Cells; Leiomyoma Reconstitution In Vivo from Sscs; Conclusion and Future Directions for Leiomyoma; Stem Cell Research; Acknowledgments; References -- Chapter 3: Obesity, Inflammation and Fibroids; Abstract; Epidemiologic Studies Linking Obesity. And Uterine FibroidsMolecular Mechanism Explaining the Association between Obesity and Inflammation; Association between Obesity, Inflammation; and Uterine Fibroids; Experimental and Investigational Therapeutics/Interventions for Uterine Fibroids; Antifibrotics; Resveratrol; Isoliquiritigenin; Curcumin; Vitamin D; Celecoxib; Exercise; Conclusion; References -- Chapter 4: Uterine Fibroids and Endometrial Dysfunction Abstract; Introduction; Pregnancy Loss and Uterine Fibroids; Uterine Fibroids & Infertility; Effect of Uterine Fibroids on Endometrium; Endometrial Receptivity; Effects of Fibroids on Endometrial Structures; 1. Histoarchitecture; 2. Leiomyomas and Angiogenesis/Coagulation; 3. Inflammation and Endometrial Dysfunction; 4. Immunologic Factors and Endometrial Dysfunction; 5. Epigenetics and Uterine Receptivity; 6. Proliferation/Differentiation and Endometrial Receptivity. 7. Cell-Cell Adhesion and Endometrial ReceptivityUterine Fibroids and Assisted Reproductive Technique; Myomas and In Vitro-Fertilization; The Myomectomy Debate; Hysteroscopic Myomectomy; Effect of Route of Myomectomy; Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Myomectomy (RALM); References; Chapter 5: Imaging of Leiomyoma; Abstract; Introduction; Clinical Presentation; Imaging Techniques; Ultrasound; Sonohysterography; MRI; Computed Tomography; Hysterosalpingogram; 18FDG Positron Emission Tomography -- Computed Tomography (PET-CT); Classification of Leiomyoma; Submucosal Leiomyoma; Intramural Leiomyoma.

9781634636032 1634636031


Smooth muscle--Tumors.
Uterine fibroids.
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