Seizures and syndromes of onset in the two first years of life

Mosh�e, Solomon L.

Seizures and syndromes of onset in the two first years of life [electronic resource] / - Surrey : John Libbey Eurotext, 2015. - 1 online resource (283 p.) - Progress in epileptic disorders, volume 13 . - Progress in epileptic disorders ; v. 13. .

Seizures and Syndromes of onset in the Two First Years of Life; Preface; Workshop participants; List of authors; Foundations of neonatal epileptology: classification of seizures and epilepsies in the neonate and their etiology, electroencephalography, prognosis and pathophysiology; EEG monitoring in neonatal seizures: what is done, what could be done?; Neuro-imaging in neonatal seizures; Clinical and electrographical neonatal seizures: to treat or not to treat; Genetics of neonatal epilepsies and the forgotten epilepsy phenotypes; Genetic basis of epileptic encephalopathy

A reference book on diagnosis, consequences and management of neonatal and infantile seizures.

9782742014279 2742014276

Convulsions in children.
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