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Your search returned 1496 results.

The textbook of non-medical prescribing by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: QV4 NUT. Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (2)Call number: QV 748 TEX, ... Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: QV 748. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: QV 748. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: QV 748. Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: QV 748. Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: QV 748 NUT.

Lecture notes : gastroenterology and hepatology by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: WI 100 INN. Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: WI100 INN. Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WI 140 INN. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WI 100. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WI 140. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WI 100 INN. Whittington Health Library (2)Call number: WI 100 GAS, ...

Public health and epidemiology at a glance by
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: W115. Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: WA 100.

The 10-minute clinical assessment by
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WB150. Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: WB 200 SCH. Newham Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WB 141 SCH. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WB 205. Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: WB 141 SCH.

Yamada's atlas of gastroenterology by
Edition: 5th edn.
Publication details: Chichester Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WI 100.

Counselling skills for dietitians by
Edition: 3rd
Publication details: Chichester Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WD18. Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WB 400 GAB.

The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of occupational safety and workplace health by Series: Wiley Blackwell handbooks in organizational psychology
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex, UK; Malden, MA : John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Newham Library (Barts Health) (1). Royal London Library (Barts Health) (1). St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WA 400. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1).

Postgraduate haematology by
Edition: Seventh edition.
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Newham Library (Barts Health) (1). Royal London Library (Barts Health) (1). St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WH 100. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1).

Emergency nursing at a glance by Language: English
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell., 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Newham Library (Barts Health) (1). Royal London Library (Barts Health) (1). St Bartholomew's Library (Barts Health) (1). Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1).

Infection prevention and control at a glance by Series: At a glance series
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1). Not available: Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation): On loan (1).

General practice cases at a glance by Series: At a glance series
Publication details: Wiley Blackwell 2016
Other title:
  • General practice cases
Availability: Items available for loan: Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: eBook.

Postgraduate haematology. by
Edition: 7th ed.
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WF 100 HOF.

The hands-on guide to midwifery placements by
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WQ 160 CES. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WQ 160.

Rapid emergency and unscheduled care by
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WB 105 PHI. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WB 105.

Dyslexia : a practitioner's handbook by
Edition: 5th ed.
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WM 475. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WL 340.6 REI.

Hoffbrand's essential haematology by
Edition: 7th
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (4)Call number: WH100 HOF, ...

Positive psychology and change : how leadership, collaboration, and appreciative inquiry create transformational results by
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: HF 235.

The CSA exam: maximizing your success by
Publication details: Chichester Wiley-Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (2)Call number: WB 18, ... Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: W 18.2 ROB. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WB 18.

Medical-surgical nursing at a glance by Series: At a glance
Publication details: Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: WB 100. Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WB 100. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WY 161. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WB 100.

Brief integrated motivational intervention : a treatment manual for co-occuring mental health and substance use problems by Language: English
Publication details: Chichester, West Sussex Wiley Blackwell 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WM268.

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