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Your search returned 11885 results.

Dealing with difficult people easily by Series: Flash
Publication details: London : Hodder Education, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: HF 730 MAN. Newham Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: W 062 MAN.

General principles of children's orthopaedic disease by
Publication details: London : Springer, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WS 270 BEN.

Key concepts in palliative care by
Publication details: London : SAGE, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WT640. Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WB310. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WB 310. Not available: Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health): On loan (1).

How to master your medical school finals : the complete guide to passing and excelling in your medical school exams by Series: Elite students series
Publication details: London : Kogan Page, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: WB 18.2 TAN. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WB 18. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WB 018 TAN. Not available: Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health): On loan (1).

Aphrodite's hat by
Publication details: LONDON : Fourth Estate, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: WELLBEING VIC.

The impossibility of knowing : dilemmas of a psychotherapist by
Publication details: London : Karnac Books 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 420 GER.

Your research project : designing and planning your work by
Edition: 3rd
Publication details: London : Sage Publications Ltd., 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: WY20.5 WAL. Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: L20 WAL. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WX 20 WAL.

Child and adolescent psychopathology : a casebook by
Publication details: London : Sage Publications Ltd., 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WS 350 WIL.

Revision MCQs and EMIs for the MRCPysch : practice questions and mock exams for the written papers by
Publication details: London : Hodder Arnold 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WM18. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 18 PUR. Not available: CEME Library (NELFT): On loan (1).

Mutual support and mental health : a route to recovery by Series: Community, culture and change
Publication details: London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 430. Whittington Health Library (1).

Picking up the pieces after domestic violence : a practical resource for supporting parenting skills by
Publication details: London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: HQ680. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: HM 225.

MRI of the whole body : an illustrated guide to common pathologies by
Publication details: London : Hodder Arnold, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WN 445.

Testing treatments : better research for better healthcare by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: London : Pinter & Martin, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: David Adams Library (Royal Marsden) (1)Call number: W84 EVA. Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1). PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: W 20.5. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WX 152 TES.

Neurology for MRCP : the essential guide to neurology for MRCP part 1, part 2 and PACES by
Publication details: London : Imperial College Press, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WL 18.

Immediate life support by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publication details: London : Resuscitation Council (UK), 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (3)Call number: WG 205, ... Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WB 105 RES. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WB 105. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WO 250. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (2)Call number: WA 292 RES, ...

MCQs for FRCS / Somaiah Aroori, Dr Puneet by
Publication details: London : Radcliffe Publishing, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: WO 18.2 ARO. Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: WO18.2 ARO. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WO 18. Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: WO 18.2 ARO. Not available: Newham Library (Barts Health): On loan (1).

Gynaecology by ten teachers / edited by Ash Monga, Stephen Dobbs by
Edition: 19th ed.
Publication details: London : Hodder Arnold, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (2)Call number: WP 100 GYN, ... Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: WP100 MON. Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WP 100. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (2)Call number: WP 100, ... Newham Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WP 100 MON. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WP 100. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (2)Call number: WP 100, ... Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: WP 100 MON. Not available: Hirson Library (St Helier): Lost (1).

The new dictionary of Kleinian thought by
Publication details: London : Routledge, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 460 SPI.

Health sciences literature review made easy : the matrix method by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publication details: London : Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WX 20. Newham Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: W 020.5 GAR.

Improvement in practice : the IRIS case study : implementing a successful primary care domestic violence service : early experiences by
Publication details: London : The Health Foundation, 2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: HM 225.

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