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Your search returned 11885 results.

Crash course: respiratory system by
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: London Mosby/Elsevier Science 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WF 100.

Recent advances in anaesthesia and intensive care 22 by
Publication details: LONDON GREENWICH MEDICAL MEDIA 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WO 205 ADA. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WO 200. Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WO 200.

Medical imaging and radiation protection for medical students and clinical staff by
Publication details: London British Institute of Radiology 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WN 100.

London child protection procedures by
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: London LCPC 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WS 113.

Textbook of pleural diseases by
Publication details: LONDON ARNOLD 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WF 700.

Key topics in clinical research by
Publication details: London Martin Dunitz 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: W 20.5.

Overcoming anxiety : a five areas approach by
Publication details: London : Arnold, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 172 WIL. Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: WM 172 WIL.

Using evidence from diverse research designs by Series: SCIE Reports
Publication details: London Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: HM 20. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: W 20.5.

Lifestyle change / Chris Dunn, Stephen Rollnick by Series: Rapid reference
Publication details: London : Mosby, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WM 425 DUN.

Medicine, patients and the law / Margaret Brazier by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publication details: London : Penguin Books, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: W 32. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: W 32.

Progress in obstetrics and gynaecology : volume 16 by
Publication details: London : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Hillingdon Hospitals Library Services (Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation) (1)Call number: WQ100 STU. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WP 50. Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WP 50 STU. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WP 100. Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WP 100. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WP 5.

Project 27 / 28 : an enquiry into quality of care and its effect on the survival of babies born at 27-28 weeks by
Publication details: London : The Stationery Office, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WS 410. Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: WS 410.

Mentoring in practice : a reader / edited by C M Downie et al by
Publication details: London : University of Greenwich, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (1)Call number: W 18 DOW 2003. PRUH Education Centre Library (3)Call number: HF 235, ... Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: HF 5385. Stenhouse Library (1)Call number: HF 5385.

Care of the critically ill surgical patient by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: London : Arnold, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (2)Call number: WO 178, ... Not available: Croydon Health Services Library: On loan (1).

Learning to teach in higher education, 2nd edn., by Paul Ramsden [Deanery] by
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: London RoutledgeFalmer 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Croydon Health Services Library (1)Call number: LB 1025.

Medication administration made easy!
Publication details: Philadelphia; London Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WB340.

Tackling Drugs - Drug Prevention Resource Pack 2003 by
Publication details: London Department of Health 2003
Availability: Not available: CEME Library (NELFT): Lost (2).

Street dreams by
Publication details: London Headline 2003
Availability: No items available.

Basic pathology: an introduction to the mechanisms of disease by
Edition: 3rd edn.
Publication details: London Arnold 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: QZ 4.

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