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Your search returned 42 results.

Impact case study : launching a leg club by Series: Impact case studies
Publication details: East Guildford Primary Care Network : Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, 2023
Availability: Items available for reference: Hirson Library (St Helier): Not For Loan (1)Call number: WE 850.

Communication and mental health disorders : developing theory, growing practice by
Publication details: Guildford : J & R Press, 2020
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WM 140 JAG. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WL 340.2 COM.

Creating practice-based evidence : a guide for SLTs by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: Guildford : J&R Press, 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WL 340.2 DOB. PRUH Education Centre Library (1)Call number: WM 475.

Qualitative research in communication disorders : an introduction for students and clinicians by
Publication details: Guildford J & R Press 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: W 20.5 LYO.

Play-based interventions for childhood anxieties, fears, and phobias by
Publication details: New York, New York : London : The Guildford Press, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WS 350.2. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WS 350.2.

Speech and language therapists and mental capacity : a training resource for adult services / by
Publication details: Guildford : J&R Press Ltd, [2019]
Availability: Items available for loan: Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WL 340.2 JON.

Supporting adolescents with language disorders by
Publication details: Albury, Guildford : J&R Press Ltd, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WL 340. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WL 340.

Eating disorders and obesity : a comprehensive handbook by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publication details: New York, New York : London : The Guildford Press, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WM 175.

Making sense of interventions for children with developmental disorders : a guide for parents and professionals by
Publication details: Guildford J&R Press 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WS 350 BOW.

Dealing with capacity and other legal issues with adults with acquired neurological conditions : a resource for speech and language therapists by
Publication details: Guildford : J&R Press, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WL 340.3. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WL 340.3 VOL.

Narrating the evil deeds of Harold Shipman: a phenomenological study from an Arendtian perspective by
Publication details: Guildford University of Surrey 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: HV 6133.

Motivational interviewing in diabetes care by
Publication details: New York, NY : The Guildford Press, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WK850. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (1)Call number: WK 810. Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WK 815 STE.

Therapy outcome measures for rehabilitation professionals / Pamela Enderby and Alexandra John by
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publication details: Guildford : J & R Press, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WB610. Ferriman information and Library Service (North Middlesex) (1)Call number: WB 39 END. Newcomb Library at Homerton Healthcare (1)Call number: WB 320 END. Queen's Hospital Jackie Blanks Library (1)Call number: WB 320. South London and Maudsley Trust Library (2)Call number: WX 154.2 END, ...

Spontaneous Abortion Diagnosis and treatment by
Publication details: Guildford, Surrey Springer-Verlag 2013
Availability: Not available: Whittington Health Library: Lost (1).

Assessment and therapy for language and cognitive communication difficulties in dementia and other progressive diseases by
Publication details: Guildford : J&R Press, 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WL 340 VOL.

Overcoming binge eating : the proven program to learn why you binge and how you can stop by Series: Wellness Collection
Edition: 2nd
Publication details: New York : Guildford, 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: BEH-MHT Library Service (1)Call number: WM 175 FAI 2013. CEME Library (NELFT) (1)Call number: WM178. Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WM 175. Newham Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WM 178 FAI. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WM 175. Whipps Cross Library (Barts Health) (1)Call number: WM 178 FAI. Whittington Health Library (1)Call number: WELLBEING ROOM COLLECTION - RW FAI.

Clinical examination skills for the MRCP PACES exam by Deepa Iyer by
Publication details: Guildford, Surrey: Whiteley Publishing Ltd, 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (2)Call number: WB 18, ...

Developing clinical skills in dysphagia : a guide for speech and language therapists / edited by Naomi Cocks, Celia harding by
Publication details: Guildford : J&R Press Ltd, 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Library (2)Call number: WI 250, ... South London and Maudsley Trust Library (1)Call number: WI 250 DEV.

Understanding venous reflux: the cause of varicose veins and venous leg ulcers by Series: The college of Phlebology
Publication details: Guildford Whiteley Publishing 2011
Availability: Not available: Whittington Health Library: Reserved (1).

Smart but scattered : the revolutionary "executive skills" approach to helping kids reach their potential by
Publication details: New York, New York : London : The Guildford Press, 2009
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirson Library (St Helier) (1)Call number: WS 105. Sally Howell Library (Epsom) (1)Call number: WS 105.

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